Spirit of Life was established in June 2004 with the help of the late MPP Mr. Tony Wong, and support from the community, families, and professionals. We became a chartiable organization in 2008. Focusing on the GTA, Spirit of Life works to build bridges between families, special needs service providers, and government departments. It also serves the broader community through public education on a range of developmental disability topics.
Charitable Registration No: 85266 0141 RR0001
Spirit of Life’s mission is to support, enhance and contribute to the integration of individuals with developmental disabilities and other special needs, and their families to the broader community by providing public education, advocacy and coordinated services, through a concerted effort with partners within Chinese community in the Greater Toronto Area.
- To advocate for early diagnosis / intervention and other services needed by these families;
- To strengthen the family capacity to cope with day to day challenges;
- To provide information and assistance to these individuals and families to access appropriate services;
- To foster opportunities for community integration and peer support for these individuals and families; and
- To promote public awareness of the challenges faced by these individuals and their families.
協智成立於2004年6月,在Tony Wong先生,MPP,和各社區合作夥伴,專業人士和許多家庭的支持下, 協智於2008年被批准為官方慈善機構,主要聚焦在約克區,致力於家庭特殊需求服務,作為商業機構和各政府部門之間的 “橋樑”。它還透過各種不同的教育及培訓方式來幫助有智障的人士,使他們得到更正面的身心發展。
慈善註冊編號:85266 0141 RR0001